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Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Rural Technology and Assistive Technology Grants

The Rural Technology Fund provides grants for Rural Technology Education projects and Assistive Technology projects. If you are interested in applying for funding to support your project, please review the grant types and be sure you submit to the correct application. They review and award grants every 30-60 days, and there are no specific deadlines for applying.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Child Care Development Fund Sub-Grant

The Indiana Afterschool Network offers sub-grants to help school-age care providers meet the qualifications for the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF), which supports low-income families. These sub-grants cover costs such as enhanced background checks and health screenings required for CCDF eligibility. Our goal is to expand access to high-quality out-of-school care across Indiana.

Timely Funding Opportunities
21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Cohort 12

Deadline: August 16, 2024

The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is accepting Request for Proposals for Cohort 12 of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant, an opportunity for organizations throughout Indiana to apply for funding to design and implement robust afterschool programs. The opportunity is open to public school districts, charter schools, community-based organizations, public/private organizations, and faith-based organizations.

Timely Funding Opportunities
Indiana United Ways Statewide Capital Projects Inititiative

Nonprofits with real estate needs directly associated with providing essential health and human services in community spaces may be eligible to apply for a matching capital grant. All nonprofits must apply in collaboration with a local IUW Member United Way. Grants will be awarded in two tiers, from $50k-$1.5M. The application window is January 8, 2024-March 31, 2028. Visit the link for more information.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Summer Youth Program Fund

Marion County funding collaborative that provides grants and other resources to support summer programs serving youth. The Fund includes 11 local and national partners that provide support to more than 170 summer programs with a single application form.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Subaru of Indiana Automotive Foundation

Grants aim to improve the quality of life and help meet the needs of the residents of the State of Indiana. Grants support specific capital projects in the areas of: arts and culture, education, health and welfare.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Nina Pulliam Charitable Trust

Seeks to help people in need, especially women, children and families; to protect animals and nature; and to enrich community life in the metropolitan areas of Indianapolis and Phoenix.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Lumina Foundation

Lumina Foundation makes grants within the United States and Indiana. Grants focus on awareness, improved access and preparedness for higher education, and increased productivity across the higher education system.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Indiana Humanities Council

Indiana Humanities oversees a competitive grants program that awards funding to Indiana nonprofit organizations, schools, and other institutions.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities
Lilly Endowment Inc.

Lilly Endowment generally considers proposals in three areas of interest: community development, education, and religion. Also interested in initiatives that benefit youth, that foster philanthropic leadership education among nonprofit institutions, and that promote the causes of philanthropy and volunteerism.

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